Tag Archive | Little Creatures



You know that time when you restart something there is always a little bit of dread about it. You probably won’t be able to run as fast, finish a task as quickly as you used to or in my case colour inside the lines as well I used to. Well this dread applies to starting […]

Readers request: Bright Ale

Hi guys, Tonight I got a request from a certain significant individual wanting to know what he should try as a substitute for Little Creatures Bright Ale. I gave a few off the cuffs but I think he just wanted to see his request up on the web, well Kyam here’s to you Little Creatures […]

7th Annual Australian Beer Festival 2011

The weekend just gone, 29th and 30th of October, saw the Australian Heritage Hotel host the 7th Annual Australian Beer Festival. By all reports it was the biggest and best of all the years which will make the organisers happy. There were over 24 brewers present each with a good selection of their wares for […]